Rare springbok trophy variant taken with Side by Side Safaris


Many Africa hunters are familiar with South Africa's national animal – the Common Springbok with the distinctive three colors: beige-brown back and white belly separated by a near black stripe along the side of the animal. On the other hand, not very many hunters are familiar with the Marula Springbok, a rare color variant of Common Springbok. The Marula variant is one of the most rare color variants of Common Springbok, but arguably one of the most beautiful. The Marula variant resembles the much more common White Springbok, however, with the characteristic coffee-brown stripe along the side. The face of the animal is dominated by some pale brown markings. The horns are light in color and appear almost transparent. All in all a beautiful and rare trophy.

On a recent safari with us, the seasoned Swedish big game hunter, Anders Vestergren, took this beautiful Marula Springbok. The entire hunt was filmed, and the video will soon be available at our webpage: www.sidebysidesafaris.com


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